Environment watchdog made ‘backroom deal’ with state-run logging group putting endangered marsupial at risk, advocates claim

By Michael Slezak
ABC News Australia
May 26, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: International

The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has made a “dodgy backroom deal” to support loggers, angry environment groups claim, after an announcement that logging could go ahead in forests known to be safe havens for greater gliders. The groups claimed only minimal daytime searches were made to avoid killing the endangered nocturnal marsupial. In a joint statement, the groups claimed the announcement by the EPA drew a “road map to extinction” for the species. …Kita Ashman, a forest scientist with World Wildlife Foundation (WWF) Australia said instead of protecting an endangered species, the EPA was protecting the timber industry. “It’s extremely clear we have an endangered species whose sole requirement is trees, we also have an industry whose sole requirement is trees,” Dr Ashman said. …The EPA has strengthened rules for protections around areas where greater gliders have been spotted. …Environment groups said the protection rules were not enough.

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