European Union’s overreach in forest initiatives draws criticism from Finnish environment minister

The Helsinki Times
April 5, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: International

Kai Mykkänen

Finnish Environment Minister Kai Mykkänen has voiced concerns over the European Union’s overextension in its climate and forest management directives, advocating for a shift in focus towards a more balanced approach to agriculture and forestry in future Commission work. This critique comes in response to the political backlash against the current Commission’s aggressive promotion of the Green Deal, suggesting a need for recalibration to better accommodate the realities of land and forestry management. Minister Mykkänen highlighted the importance of adopting an industrial approach to carbon management that considers a broader array of climate policy tools. This change, he argues, would benefit Finland by allowing for a more nuanced view of climate policy measures than has previously been the case. In defense of Finland’s forestry interests, Mykkänen underscored ongoing advocacy efforts with Sweden aimed at influencing the next Commission’s agenda. 

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