Every small seedling could become old growth

Letter by Tim Young, Sooke, BC
Victoria Times Colonist
April 30, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

I am not against saving old-growth trees — but I am against the ridiculous statements that keep getting thrown out there. Every tree planted is on its way to be an old-growth forest. The existing old-growth forests don’t last forever, as some would like you to believe. Some trees last a long time and others not so much. The end game is not years, but hundreds of years. Take large areas of new forests and plan to make them old-growth forests. …Compensate the owners and get on with it. All you keep hearing is how the old growth will never come back. How the biodiversity will be destroyed and never come back. Well, think about it. Fires have, since the dawn of time, destroyed the forests and the biodiversity. They came back. At one time, there was 1,200 metres of ice covering all B.C. …That probably lasted thousands of years. It all came back, didn’t it?

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