The Whitecourt region experienced a largely uneventful fire season this year thanks to wet weather, strong enforcement and vigilant residents, according to Alberta Wildfire. Shannon Stambaugh, a wildfire information officer with Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, said the area had 28 wildfires that burned 11.43 hectares with the largest singular fire being eight hectares in size. This was below the five-year average of 58 wildfires burning 184.06 hectares. “It was a quieter year for the Whitecourt Forest Area,” Stambaugh said. “No communities were threatened by any of these wildfires. Our firefighters were always busy, helping out around the province or staying in the Forest Area to carry out normal duties.” This year was wetter in the spring compared to previous years, Stambaugh said, adding that the region typically sees many wildfires between March and May.