Florida to share in portion $145M from Investing in America to help landowners access climate markets

WGCU Southwest Florida
March 15, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: United States, US East

Organizations with projects in Florida will share in more than $40 from the Inflation Reduction Act to connect private forest landowners with emerging climate markets. That portion was part of an investment of nearly $145 million announced Friday by the USDA and the U.S. Forest Service that will benefit nearly every state in the Southern Region, with more than half of the funding awards granted within the Southern Region alone. Awardees include: The Longleaf Alliance $1,845,857; Urban Forest Carbon Registr: $1,999,950; U.S. Endowment for Forestry and Communities $20,000,000; American Forest Foundation $20,000,000; Center for Heirs’ Property Preservation $10,000,000; Ducks Unlimited $10,000,000; Georgia Forestry Foundation $4,000,000; Livelihoods Knowledge Exchange Network $2,000,000; Magnolia Land Partners $1,978,714; Rural Action $6,000,000; and Sky Harvest Resources $4,000,000. …With 86% the South’s forestland held mostly by private families and individuals, robust forest markets like these are necessary to help these families have the financial means to collectively keep the southern forest landscape intact.

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