Forest agencies seek tribal inclusion in policymaking. Indigenous leaders are holding them accountable

By April Ehrlich
Oregon Public Broadcasting
April 3, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: United States, US West

In February, 21 members of the Northwest Forest Plan advisory committee met at the University of Oregon to hash out the future of Northwest forests. Committee members are foresters, political leaders, tribal members and lawyers, all with decades of experience in working with the government — except one. Ryan Reed is a grad student, a wildland firefighter, and a member of the Hoopa Valley Tribe in Northern California. Despite his young age, it’s clear other committee members look up to him as a leader. …Federal and local governments in the U.S. have long determined how to use the lands that were taken from tribes, oftentimes without asking for their input. Forests were logged, rivers were dammed and freeways divided communities. Now government officials are increasingly calling for tribal inclusion in policymaking. But how much they engage tribes varies, and some Indigenous leaders question whether these agencies truly respect tribal input…

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