Forest Enhancement Society Newsletter

Forest Enhancement Society of BC
December 22, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

2023 has been a great year for FESBC. In January Premier Eby announced another $50 million for FESBC to help workers and communities use more waste wood from the forest and reduce wildfire risk. FESBC started approving new projects right away and now most of the funding is allocated. Some projects are already completed on the ground, many more are currently underway, and all will have been completed by March 31 2025. In this newsletter: Minister of Forests, Bruce Ralston’s statement. Learn more about how Central Chilcotin Rehabilitation Ltd. is focusing on forest rehabilitation through wildfire risk reduction and fibre utilization. Read how the Fort Nelson Community Forest is working to enhance wildfire resilience. Learn about how funding will help the Chinook Community Forest to undertake vital wildfire risk reduction work. Meet our Faces of Forestry featured person, Klay Tindall.

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