Forest products company holds open house on clearcut logging in Cochrane

By Howard May
The Cochrane Eagle
May 9, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

The chances of putting  a complete stop to clearcut logging in West Bragg Creek and Moose Mountain seem to be fading as more information comes out through the public consultation meetings the BC forest products company is holding before the scheduled 2026 cut. Opponents of the plan to clearcut [are] asking for a variety of things that all amount to pumping the brakes on logging the area. …if the province were to step in between now and 2026 and reverse their decision to allow West Fraser to go ahead, the timber company would be entitled to financial compensation for all the planning work that’s been done. Vice-President of Canadian Woodlands D’Arcy Henderson explained that anyone running a lumber mill has a significant and ongoing investment in people and equipment that requires a guaranteed, continuous flow of raw materials. 

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