Forest products key factor in Oregon’s future

By Travis Joseph, president/CEO, American Forest Resource Council
The Register-Guard
December 13, 2017
Category: Wood, Paper & Green Building
Region: United States, US West

Do you think we should use more renewable resources? Do you think our renewable resources should be locally sourced, instead of imported from other states or countries? Lane County is home to one of the most valued renewable resources — wood products. Wood products are derived from sustainably managed forests and are both renewable and recyclable. …The benefits of wood products are impressive — they are biodegradable, require little energy to produce, store carbon, can be used to make innovative building materials (like cross-laminated timber) that are fire-resistant and earthquake safe. Not to mention, wood products are part of Oregon’s identity, heritage and culture. Despite these benefits, the debate over public forest policy often loses sight of the big picture.

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