Fraser Lake Sawmill to close, 140 workers set to lose jobs

United Steelworkers
January 25, 2024
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada West

Jeff Bromley

West Fraser Timber Co. Ltd. has announced the permanent closure of its Fraser Lake Sawmill in British Columbia, affecting the employment of 140 members of the United Steelworkers union (USW). Jeff Bromley, USW Wood Council Chair, expressed concern over the closure, emphasizing the ongoing struggles faced by USW members and the local community since the 2015 shutdown of the Endako Moly Mine. …Bromley called on the government to ensure stability for B.C.’s Forest Industry, which supports 10,000 USW members and thousands of others in communities across the province. He highlighted the need for access to a sustainable working forest to preserve these jobs. “The thousands of high-paying, rural community-supporting jobs are disappearing right before our eyes. It’s time for our province to decide if it wants to have a vibrant forest industry that supports good-paying jobs, Indigenous people and local economies,” said Bromley.

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