Fungi that causes pine ghost canker detected in southern California trees

By University of California – Davis
February 23, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: United States, US West

Fungal pathogens that cause die-back in grape, avocado, citrus, nut and other crops has found a new host and is infecting conifer trees causing Pine Ghost Canker in urban forest areas of Southern California. The canker can be deadly to trees. Scientists from University of California, Davis, first spotted evidence that the pathogens had moved to pines during a routine examination of trees in Orange County in 2018. Over four years, they found that more than 30 mature pines had been infected in an area of nearly 100 acres, according to a report in the journal Plant Disease. …The pathogens infect a tree by entering through wounds caused by either insects, such as red-haired pine bark beetles, or pruning – meaning trees in managed or landscaped areas could be at risk. …The lab has posted a brochure about how to best manage wood canker diseases. 

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