Glyphosate study waste of time and money

By James Steidle, Stop the Spray
Prince George Citizen
February 15, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

James Steidle

So apparently taxpayers are going to spend $1.5 million researching the damage glyphosate is doing to our forests. We will have to wait five years for the results. It’s kind of a neat trick our federal funding authorities pulled. $1.5 million is a cheap hall pass to hold the critics at bay while we keep doing more studies amidst ongoing clouds of glyphosate in our forests. Shouldn’t the pesticide companies have footed the bill for this research before telling us spraying forests with a chelating, patented antimicrobial agent that kills 50 percent of select boreal fungi species at standard field application rates was A-OK? Ultimately, the research is a waste of taxpayer money.  …Another question: instead of paying for studies on glyphosate, why don’t we pay for studies on how much carbon tax we should charge the softwood industry for all the surplus carbon sequestration we lose out on because of their war on aspen?

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