Join us in shaping the future of value-added manufacturing in British Columbia. Launched in fall 2023, the Value-Added Accelerators, a collaboration between the First Nations Forestry Council, the BC Value-Added Wood Coalition (including ILMA, IWPA, BC Wood), the Council of Forest Industries (COFI), and the Ministry of Forests (including BC Timber Sales), are dedicated to sustaining and growing value-added manufacturing in BC. Regional Fibre Flow Committees were one of the suggestions that came from the Value-Added Accelerator regional sessions, held in late 2023. Join us for our pilot session, in the Kootenay region, held in Nelson, on June 17th. Our upcoming in-person pilot session, “Growing Roots in the Koots: Regional Fibre Flow Forum” offers stakeholders from across the fibre value chain a platform to network and engage in discussions led by the Value-Added Wood Coalition and COFI, supported by BCTS, Ministry of Forests and the First Nations Forestry Council.