BOSTON — As part of the Healey-Driscoll Administration’s “Forests as Climate Solutions” Initiative, today the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) released the Climate Forestry Committee’s report containing its recommendations regarding enhanced climate-oriented forest management practices for Massachusetts, based on the latest climate science. The 12-member Committee of scientific experts emphasized the importance of keeping forests intact by enlarging forest reserves, increasing permanent conservation efforts, and reducing the conversion of forests to other uses. Noting the critical role forests play in mitigating dangerous climate change, the Committee urged the state to sharpen its land management focus on climate change mitigation and adaptation. EEA is allocating $50 million to support the state’s mandated emissions reduction requirements, including conserving 40 percent of the Commonwealth’s natural and working lands by 2050. EEA will invest this funding in forest conservation and incentives that encourage municipal and private landowners to adopt climate-oriented management approaches.