Korea takes lead in sustainable forest management

By Mun So-jeong and Lee Kwon-hyung
The Korean Herald
January 15, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: International

The Korea Forest Service is ramping up its commitment to a green transition by consolidating efforts in the forest industry, now securing nearly 40 partnerships with foreign countries. The nation’s forest agency has been actively establishing bilateral agreements for forest cooperation, starting with Indonesia in 1987. A total of 39 countries are now maintaining such cooperative relationships with Korea, and the number is expected to grow. …KFS and its partnering countries are expanding their sights on increasing the diversity of damaged ecosystems and tackling wildfires and the worldwide climate crisis. …The Korea-Canada partnership also marked ten years of forest cooperation, carrying out joint research to promote timber construction techniques. When massive wildfires burned across Canada in July, Korea also dispatched an emergency firefighting team of about 140 officers to the North American nation to support the firefighting efforts.

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