OLD TOWN — Larry and Barbara Beauregard have been named the 2024 Outstanding Tree Farmers of the Year by the Maine Tree Farm Program. The couple has owned their 117-acre woodlot since 1981 and have been active tree farmers since 2005. …They frequently host events at Beauregard Woodlands in collaboration with the Maine Forest Service, Maine Woodland Owners, Maine Tree Farm Program, UM School of Forest Resources, Maine Audubon, and Hirundo Wildlife Refuge. …Larry Beauregard is a strong promoter of sustainable forestry practices as they apply to small woodland owners. He has done several interviews on the subject, resulting in published articles and a TV program. He has also written several newsletter articles describing his family’s woodland experiences. …With the help of their consulting forester, Dave Wardrop, the Beauregard’s have had three commercial harvests designed to improve forest health.