Legislature fiddles until next apartment fire

By the Editorial Board
December 9, 2017
Category: Wood, Paper & Green Building
Region: United States, US East

Call it the “miracle near the Hudson,” the Jan. 21, 2015, fire at the Avalon apartment complex in Edgewater. A fire caused by workers tore through 240 units. …In the wake of the fire, there was a call from firefighters and some public officials to rewrite the state’s building codes. Almost three years later, nothing has changed. That is irresponsible. As Nicholas Pugliese reports, the Legislature is unlikely to act during the lame-duck session. ….His bill would require more robust sprinkler systems in large wood-frame apartment buildings. It would also limit the height of buildings using so-called lightweight wood timber, which has been favored by New Jersey developers.  Critics of the bill say it doesn’t go far enough. Maybe so. But it’s not going anywhere and that is far worse.

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