Premier John Horgan—it’s time to stand up for old-growth forests. After having my backpack searched by police, I hiked 14 kilometres up the forest service road to the Heli Camp at Fairy Creek. …I passed two university-aged kids walking down; soaked, cold, tired, and hungry. They looked battle beaten and yet I could tell, after exchanging a few words with them, that they were quite undeterred. …The camp leader… told me how they had been forced to change tactics. Instead of blockading the logging road the activists had moved into the forest. The new tactics undertaken by the youth is a strategy they call “Cops & Loggers.” As the chainsaws roar the kids disperse and position themselves within two tree lengths of the trees being targeted. Loggers are not allowed to cut a tree if a human is within two tree lengths. The RCMP then moves in.