Logging, one of South Carolina’s top industries, facing catastrophic collapse. Lawmakers want to help

By Nick Reynolds
The Post and Courier
March 9, 2024
Category: Business & Politics
Region: United States, US East

COLUMBIA — South Carolina loggers are sounding the alarm over a burgeoning crisis facing the state’s timber industry, saying recent market disruptions are leading the more than $23 billion industry to the brink of what some contend is a catastrophic collapse. In a March 6 hearing before the state Senate’s Fish, Game and Forestry Committee, several leaders in the state’s timber industry warned the closures of several mills in North and South Carolina have left them with no place to process their raw materials at a time they are growing more trees than ever, leaving them with cratering prices for their goods and threatening them with closure. Last year, a paper mill in Canton, North Carolina closed its doors. …Months later, WestRock announced it would be closing down its mill in North Charleston. …The closures have since created a bottleneck for South Carolina’s foresters who plant 1.38 trees for every tree they remove from the ground.

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