Metro Vancouver residents must register indoor wood burning fireplaces, stoves by next year

By Tiffany Crawford
Vancouver Sun
June 13, 2024
Category: Health & Safety
Region: Canada, Canada West

Starting next year, Metro Vancouver urban residents using unregistered indoor wood burning appliances such as fireplaces and wood stoves could face fines of up to $500. It’s not a ban on wood burning stoves, but part of the regional district’s plan to clear the air of harmful emissions by using certified appliances and best burning practices. “We are trying to establish an emission standard that allows for improvements in air quality and health, particularly in those more densely populated areas, whilst not prohibiting the use and enjoyment of wood burning appliances that people enjoy,” Julie Saxton, program manager for air quality regulation with Metro Vancouver said on Thursday. According to B.C. Lung, only five per cent of residents know they are required by law to register their indoor wood burning devices by September 2025. Because of this, Metro Vancouver staff have recommended that the region launch a fall campaign to remind people of the bylaw.

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