Montana is facing a statewide land management crisis

By the Society of American Foresters
The Western News
May 31, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: United States, US West

Montanans appreciate locally grown food, from vegetables to fresh-picked huckleberries, raw honey and grass-fed beef. Can we say the same about our wood products? Your community would rally to keep a local rancher in business. Won’t you do the same to keep a local sawmill in business? By supporting the local forest industry in Montana you are ensuring that wood products are coming from forests managed with some of the most stringent environmental laws in the world. The Missoula Chapter of the Society of American Foresters (SAF) supports investment in our local forest products industry, especially right now. We are currently facing a land management crisis brought on by two recent mill closure announcements in Missoula County. …We urge Montanans who rely on the forest for their lifestyle and livelihood to realize that investment is not limited to a monetary value.

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