Move over Tesla here comes Edison Motors from Merritt

By Jim Hilton
The Williams Lake Tribune
February 17, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

An interesting story has been emerging about two Merritt residents who have created a hybrid (diesel/electric) logging truck prototype that displays innovations and dedication to sustainability. It has taken them two years and over a million dollars (of crowd-source funds mostly from other truckers) to build their first two prototypes. Eric Little and Chace Barber (Edison Motors’ co-founders) were inspired to create their own electric truck since Tesla was so slow at releasing their electric truck as promised in 2016. The hybrid truck is a specially designed heavy-duty vehicle intended to replace traditional diesel-powered logging trucks. Their inspiration came from their mission to protect the environment. …While we wait for the delivery of these hybrid trucks we might start seeing electric motors on the logging trailers. FPInnovations is currently developing a hybrid trailer for forestry operations, with plans to replace a conventional trailer axle with an electrically powered drive axle.

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