Native logging is banned in Western Australia from January 1— here’s what it could mean for you

By Jacqueline Lynch and Kate Forrester
ABC News, Australia
January 1, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: International

A WA government ban on native logging has come into effect, preventing the state’s native hardwood trees from being chopped down and sold commercially. Typically, native WA hardwood like karri and jarrah has been used for flooring, furniture, firewood, and in garden products like mulch and sawdust. Major WA mills have already closed and timber towns have been forced to explore other industries to keep locals in work. But for West Australians outside these towns, what does the ban mean and how will it affect them? …A lot of the structural supports used in building houses, including roof framing, is made from pine, which comes from plantations. That will not be impacted. Jarrah or karri floors and furniture will be harder to come by and likely more expensive. …Ahead of WA’s ban on native logging, garden suppliers reported a shortage of woodchips and sawdust.

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