New Brunswick sawmills say they are unfairly singled out for U.S. anti-dumping duties

By New Brunswick Lumber Producers
Woodworking Network
November 6, 2017
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

FREDERICTON, N.B. – New Brunswick lumber producers took issue with the U.S. Department of Commerce punitive tariffs issued last week, stating the antidumping duties set for softwood lumber “excluded all of the Atlantic Provinces except New Brunswick in its final determination of duties on softwood lumber.” …”There is no good news for any sawmill in New Brunswick with today’s announcement and the 20.83 percent disadvantage that we now face compared to other Atlantic Canadian producers,” said .the group. …”The change in treatment of New Brunswick essentially comes down to an auditor general’s report which speculated, without providing any hard conclusions, that there may be some distortion in the New Brunswick market which might make [softwood sawlog] prices higher or lower than they might otherwise be,” according to attorney William Barringer.

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