BC’s New Chief Forester Shares His Vision for Future of Forestry

By Mike Hall, ABCFP
The Association of BC Forest Professionals Magazine
January 3, 2023
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada West

Shane Berg

Shane Berg was appointed BC’s 18th chief forester, and assistant deputy minister for the Office of the Chief Forester, in August. His journey to that position spans 35 years, and much of what shapes his vision for the future of forestry in this province was influenced by the many roles he’s held throughout his forestry career, including those west of the Rocky Mountains. …“My role as chief forester is to ensure that we are practising sustainable forest management. I don’t make land-use decisions. I make decisions on how the timber harvesting land base is operated and to ensure that the forest and range practices being employed are following current legislation and guidance. Decisions made to further protect our most ‘at risk’ old forests will be addressed through the recommendations endorsed by government from the Old Growth Strategic Review. There will still be old forests within the timber harvesting land base that need to be managed appropriately.” [From the 2023 Winter edition of BC Forest Professional]

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