New South Wales government halts logging within proposed Great Koala National Park

ABC News Australia
September 12, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: International

Logging has been stopped in parts of the proposed Great Koala National Park on the New South Wales Mid North Coast while the state government determines the impact on koalas and timber industry jobs. The halt, announced on Tuesday, covers 106 koala “hubs” across more than 8,400 hectares of forest within the proposed national park, which is being gazetted in the region. NSW Environment Minister Penny Sharpe said logging was stopped on Friday and consultation on the next steps in establishing the park was to begin immediately. “The last parliament found that we could be on track to seeing koalas in the wild extinct in New South Wales,” Ms Sharpe told parliament. …It comes after crossbench MPs and environmental groups called for the government to act on their election promise to establish the park, or stop NSW Forestry Corporation from operating in areas within the park’s proposed boundaries.

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