KANANASKIS COUNTRY – A new field study commissioned by an environmental group outlines at-risk bull trout are present in the Highwood River area where logging is set to take place this winter. The study, commissioned by Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS), found bull trout were in the Loomis Creek area where Spray Lakes Sawmills (SLS) – now owned by West Fraser Timber Company Limited – plans to clearcut 1,100 hectares of forest in the Upper Highwood area, including 26 kilometres along the river, and near Loomis and McPhail creeks. In the past, anecdotal information had bull trout in the area, but the study confirmed they are present and spawning in a much larger area than previously assumed. …Critics have called for a review of existing legislation covering forestry activities in Alberta. CPAWS has requested interviews with Alberta Forestry and Parks Minister Todd Loewen. …SLS has agreed to meet with CPAWS in early February.