Daily News for April 27, 2022

Today’s Takeaway

Amid protests, BC forest industry meets to map its future

The Tree Frog Forestry News
April 27, 2022
Category: Today's Takeaway

BC’s forest industry seeks predictability, as the Council of Forest Industries convention kicks-off in Vancouver. In other Business news: Canfor implementing plan to achieve net-zero by 2050; a court decision is due on verdict against Oregon over logging; the US extends it anti-dumping probe into Vietnam plywood; protesters target Drax in London; and US consumer confidence wanes, as home sales fall and pulp prices remain high. 

In Forestry/Climate news: carbon credits are the new gold rush in Canada; the 15th World Forestry Congress is set in Seoul; Minister Conroy to keynote at BC First Nations Summit; ENGOs stop logging in Montana’s Castle Mountains; and David Elstone on how may jobs its takes to cut a tree.

Finally, can’t make the COFI meetings — stay tuned as the Frogs will be reporting live from the conference floor.

Kelly McCloskey, Tree Frog Editor

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Business & Politics

Amid hunger strikes and protests, B.C. forestry industry meets to map its future

By Derrick Penner
Vancouver Sun
April 26, 2022
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada West

Susan Yurkovich

British Columbia’s forest industry will make a diplomatic push for government to bring stability to a sector under pressure from substantial change when it gathers for its first major convention since 2019 in Vancouver this week.  “I think we all want investment, but we have to have some predictability,” said Susan Yurkovich, CEO of the Council of Forest Industries (COFI), the organization that represents the major lumber producers….Not certainty, because everything in life is uncertain,” Yurkovich added, “but we need to have a reasonable expectation that there’s going to be access fibre to (supply B.C.) mills because you’re not going to invest a whole bunch of money if you can’t access fibre.” …Conroy and Horgan are scheduled to deliver keynote speeches to the COFI convention: the Minister of Forests to open the event Thursday and the premier at high-profile lunch event Friday.

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US extends deadline on anti-dumping probe into plywood imported from Vietnam

April 26, 2022
Category: Business & Politics
Region: United States, International

HANOI, Vietnam – The US Department of Commerce (DoC) has announced the extension of deadline for issuing the final conclusion on the anti-dumping and anti-subsidy tax evasion investigation into hardwood plywood imported from Vietnam, according to the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MoIT). Accordingly, the DOC plans to issue the conclusion on October 17 instead of April 20. This is the third extension that the DOC has made on the case, which was launched on June 17, 2020 following a request by the US Customs and Border Protection. …Therefore, in case Vietnam’s plywood manufacturers and exporters can prove that they are not evading the trade remedy measures the US is applying to China, they will not be subject to the anti-subsidy tax rates.

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Decision due Wednesday on appeal of $1.1 billion verdict against state over Oregon forest logging

By Ted Sickinger
Oregon Natural Resources Report
April 26, 2022
Category: Business & Politics
Region: United States, US West

The Oregon Court of Appeals will deliver a decision Wednesday in the state’s appeal of a $1.1 billion award to 13 rural counties and 151 local taxing districts after a Linn County jury determined in 2019 that the state had broken a contract by failing to maximize timber harvests from state forests located in those counties.  Notice of the pending decision was posted on the court’s website Tuesday and comes just two months after a three-judge panel heard oral arguments in the case. That’s an unusually quick turnaround for the court. That may signal the court found the issues fairly straightforward, or that it prioritized a decision because the award is collecting interest at 9% a year, or $260,000 a day, which has nominally added another $200 million-plus to the award since the verdict. …A Linn County jury previously concluded the state breached a decades-old agreement with counties by failing to maximize revenues, costing counties money to pay for local services.

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Nowa Nowa plantation timber nursery plans scrapped, putting potential regional jobs at risk

By Rio Davis
ABC News, Australia
April 27, 2022
Category: Business & Politics
Region: International

The state government has abandoned a $2-million plan to build a plantation nursery in a remote eastern Victorian town, casting a pall over its plans to transition away from native timber logging.  In 2019, when the Andrews government announced its plan to phase out native timber logging by 2030, many in the industry asked where the replacement supply would come from.  About a year later, the government announced part of its response — a plantation nursery in the remote east Gippsland town of Nowa Nowa that would create 30 jobs.  A former sawmill on the outskirts of the town of less than 200 people was picked to embody the state’s transition from native timber to plantation.  Eighteen months later, the site lies dormant. …The ABC understands legacy contamination from diesel leakage has polluted parts of the site and that remediation works are underway.  VicForests is looking at other uses for the site.

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Finance & Economics

US Consumer confidence ticked down slightly in April, expectations of near-future rise

The Conference Board
April 26, 2022
Category: Finance & Economics
Region: United States

The Conference Board Consumer Confidence Index® decreased slightly in April, after an increase in March. The Index now stands at 107.3 (1985=100), down from 107.6 in March. The Present Situation Index—based on consumers’ assessment of current business and labor market conditions—fell to 152.6 from 153.8 last month. However, the Expectations Index—based on consumers’ short-term outlook for income, business, and labor market conditions—ticked up to 77.2 from 76.7. …Expectations, while still weak, did not deteriorate further amid high prices, especially at the gas pump, and the war in Ukraine. Vacation intentions cooled but intentions to buy big-ticket items like automobiles and many appliances rose somewhat.”

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Market Pulp Prices Continue to Remain High

By Luis Sampaio
Forests2Market Blog
April 27, 2022
Category: Finance & Economics
Region: International

Market pulp prices have always been volatile and kraft market pulp, in particular, dropped to a 10-year low point in 2020. However, the global weighted average prices for kraft softwood and kraft hardwood pulps increased significantly in 2021, with skyrocketing spot prices in the second quarter. And while prices have since decreased from those levels, they have still remained substantially higher. …What’s influencing these increases? Supply chain issues… South American producers are facing difficulties changing shipping contracts from Asia into Europe… Challenges in recovered paper market…UPM strikes… and the war in Ukraine. …As of now, it’s been several months since producers and customers have been waiting for a price drop in the pulp market – however, they may be waiting for a while.

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US New Home Sales Fall on Higher Mortgage Rates

By Danushka Nanayakkara-Skillington
NAHB – Eye on Housing
April 26, 2022
Category: Finance & Economics

New single-family home sales declined in March as mortgage rates jumped to the highest levels since the start of the pandemic. Per Freddie Mac, the 30-year fixed rate mortgage was 3.89 at the end of February and had climbed to 4.67 at the end of March. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and the U.S. Census Bureau estimated sales of newly built, single-family homes in March at a 763,000 seasonally adjusted annual pace, which is a 8.6% decline over upwardly revised February rate of 835,000 and is 12.6% below the March 2021 estimate of 873,000. Sales-adjusted inventory levels are at a balanced 6.4 months’ supply in March. The count of completed, ready-to-occupy new homes is just 35,000 homes nationwide. Median sales price is up in March at $436,700.

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Many Vancouver residents want old-growth logging stopped, but disagree with traffic-blocking protests:

By Lindsay William-Ross
Burnaby Now
April 26, 2022
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

Members of the group Save Old Growth are in the midst of mounting a province-wide campaign aimed at raising public awareness and demanding government action on the matter of old-growth logging.   Their tactic: Block highways, intersections, off-ramps, and bridges in busy areas, predominantly in and around Metro Vancouver and Victoria.   …In a poll conducted on Vancouver Is Awesome, just over half of the local respondents indicated they agree with the sentiment of the protests but disagree blocking traffic is an appropriate action (52.85%).  Just under a fifth of local respondents (19.6%) indicated they believe blocking traffic on highways and bridges is a legitimate tactic to draw attention to an important cause, while the remaining respondents (27.54%) said they did not agree with either the position or the tactic.

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How Seed Libraries Will Be Our Salvation

By Dani Wright
Vancouver Magazine
April 26, 2022
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

A couple of years ago many of us adopted new stay-at-home-hobbies. These hobbies included the now ubiquitous sourdough making, banana bread baking and, according to Vancouver Master Gardener Stephanie Rose – gardening. While the world seemed shut down all around us, many Vancouverites brought life back into their neighbourhoods by growing something themselves. With sustainability in mind, many of these new gardeners have built seed libraries all over the city in order to share their newfound hobby with others looking to connect to their community. …Rose breaks down permaculture in her new book, The Regenerative Garden. …These new gardens popping up all over Vancouver became more than just spaces to grow plants, they became spaces for community. …A prime example of this are the abundant seed libraries that are showing up more and more – melding community and sustainability all over the city.  

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Canada needs Indigenous-led fire stewardship, new research finds

University of British Columbia
April 26, 2022
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

As a new wildfire season approaches, many Canadians are reflecting on the devastating losses of last season, and considering what they can do to protect themselves and the places where they live.  Wildfires are becoming increasingly severe and unpredictable, but a new paper by UBC researchers and collaborators suggests a way forward. The authors reviewed fire management practices and recent wildfires in Canada and are recommending the revival of cultural burning, while moving towards Indigenous-led fire stewardship to better manage wildfire risks and promote healthy ecosystems.  Lead authors Dr. Kira Hoffman, an ecologist, former wildland firefighter and a postdoctoral research associate with the UBC faculty of forestry, and Dr. Amy Cardinal Christianson, an Indigenous fire research scientist with the Canadian Forest Service, discuss their findings in this Q&A.

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British Columbia Forestry Jobs – What It Takes To Cut A Tree

By David Elstone, RPF, Managing Director
View from the Stump
April 27, 2022
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

David Elstone

Too often, when it comes to reductions in timber harvest the focus is on the headline number of direct job losses, glossing over what that means or who is actually affected. I have tallied up the different jobs necessary to cut a tree and deliver a log to a sawmill (or other primary manufacturing facilities). …Over 100 job types are required to ensure timber is sustainably planned, harvested, and delivered as well as regenerated. People that do these jobs are found in every community throughout the province, including the lower mainland and southern Vancouver Island. The diversity and breadth of these job types clearly indicate that forestry is complex. It’s a dynamic ecosystem of professionals, skilled workers, service providers and suppliers which is needed to make the industry function. When the timber harvest goes down, job losses affect each of these jobs to some degree. 

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Audit of Gitsxan Forest Licence Inc. released

BC Forest Practices Board
April 26, 2022
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

VICTORIA – An audit of Gitxsan Forest Licence Inc. (GFLI) in the Skeena Stikine Natural Resource District found that the company met all requirements of the Forest and Range Practices Act for planning and timber harvesting, as well as road construction and maintenance activities. However, GFLI did not meet reforestation requirements on a number of cutblocks that were harvested in 2004 and earlier by a previous owner of the forest licence. “Successfully reforesting harvested sites is a pillar of B.C.’s system of forest practices,” said Kevin Kriese, chair, Forest Practices Board. “Forestry licensees are required by law to achieve free-growing forests within a specified period and meeting this requirement is essential to maintain public confidence in B.C.’s forest management. “GFLI took over this tenure three years ago, and that transfer included the legal and financial obligation to achieve free growing on sites harvested by previous owners of the forest licence,” Kriese said.

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Honourable Minister Katrine Conroy announced as a keynote speaker for Anacla Old Growth Summit

Huu-ay-aht First Nations and C̕awak ʔqin Forestry
April 26, 2022
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

Huu-ay-aht First Nations and C̕awak ʔqin Forestry are pleased to announce Honourable Minister Katrine Conroy as a keynote speaker at the Anacla Old Growth Summit on April 28, 2022. As the B.C. Minister of Forests, Katrine Conroy is responsible for the stewardship of provincial Crown land and ensures the sustainable management of forest, wildlife, water, and other land-based resources. The Ministry works with Indigenous and rural communities to strengthen and diversify their economies. Along with Minister Katrine Conroy, there will also be presentations from ‘Namgis First Nation, Skowkale First Nation, Huu-ay-aht First Nations and C̕awak ʔqin Forestry. …The summit is by invite only, but for those wishing to attend, a live stream has been set up for anyone to watch online.

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Mentor a young professional at the 2022 Sustainable Forestry Initiative/Project Learning Tree Annual Conference

Sustainable Forestry Initiative
April 26, 2022
Category: Forestry
Region: United States

The Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) andProject Learning Tree (PLT) are engaging some of the foremost thought leaders in the forest and environmental education sectors at the 2022 SFI/PLT Annual Conference from June 14–17 in Madison, Wisconsin. As part of the conference, we’re launching the 2022 SFI Conference Green Mentor Cohort: a four-month mentorship program for select conference attendees to support students and young professionals interested in a green career. Open to Americans and Canadians of all backgrounds in the forest and conservation sector, the mentorship program will start in June and end in September. Joining is a commitment of just two or three hours a month of your time. Plus, mentors and mentees get to meet in person at the 2022 SFI/PLT Annual Conference!

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Canada lynx protections deal sealed by US, environmentalists

Associated Press in KTAR News
April 26, 2022
Category: Forestry
Region: United States, US West

BILLINGS, Mont.  — U.S. wildlife officials have agreed to craft a new habitat plan for the snow-loving Canada lynx that could include more land in Colorado and other western states where the rare animals would be protected, according to a legal agreement made public Tuesday.  The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service faces a 2024 deadline to draft the new plan for the wild cats after settling a legal challenge from two environmental groups — Wild Earth Guardians and Wilderness Workshop. U.S. District Judge Donald Christensen issued an order late Monday approving the settlement.  The groups sued to enforce a prior court ruling from Christensen that said federal officials wrongly excluded areas of Colorado, Montana and Idaho when they designated almost 40,000 square miles (104,000 square kilometers) in 2014 as critical for the lynx’s long-term survival.

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Huge Castle Mountains logging, burning and road-building project stopped by Alliance for the Wild Rockies and Native Ecosystems Council

By Mike Garrity
The Missoulian
April 26, 2022
Category: Forestry
Region: United States, US West

Mike Garrity

Thanks to a lawsuit brought by the Alliance for the Wild Rockies and the Native Ecosystem Council, a 22,500-acre logging, burning, and road-building project in Montana’s Castle Mountains has been stopped by a federal court that found the Forest Service failed to follow federal environmental laws, legal protections for elk habitat, and old-growth dependent Northern Goshawk. The Castle Mountains, located about 65 miles northeast of Bozeman, are named for their 50-ft. rock spires that resemble castle turrets. …By law, these national forests must be managed for the public and for our wildlife, not for the private profit of a few logging companies. Yet, those legal protections are meaningless if the Forest Service simply ignores them — as the agency did when it approved the Castle Mountains logging project.  Despite being a small range, the Castle Mountains are home to large and healthy elk herds. 

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Feds free $189 million to thin forest and blunt toll of wildfires

By Peter Aleshire
Payson Roundup
April 26, 2022
Category: Forestry
Region: United States, US West

Arizona will this year get an additional $189 million in federal infrastructure money to reduce the growing threat of wildfires, according to the U.S. Forest Service. The money will go to the Four Forest Restoration Initiative and the City of Prescott to support thinning projects to reduce the risk of a town-destroying, watershed ruining wildfire. The funding comes from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, which has helped jump-start a previously languishing federal wildfire response in the new era of megafires. “The funding we secured in the bipartisan infrastructure law will advance forest restoration projects that can reduce the severity of wildfires in Arizona” said Senator Mark Kelly. “This fire season has the potential to be very active, and projects like those announced today are critical for protecting our most at-risk forest communities.”

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Protections sought for Western bird linked to piñon forests

By Susan Montoya Bryan
Associated Press in the Helena Independent Record
April 26, 2022
Category: Forestry
Region: United States, US West

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Collecting piñon nuts has been tradition for Native American and Hispanic families in the Southwestern U.S. for generations. But environmentalists are concerned that without the pinyon jay — a very social bird that essentially plants the next generation of trees by stashing away the seeds — it’s possible the piñon forests of New Mexico, Nevada and other Western states could face another reproductive hurdle in the face of climate change, persistent drought and more severe wildfires. The Washington, D.C.-based group Defenders of Wildlife filed a petition Monday with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to protect the bird under the Endangered Species Act, saying the once common species plays an integral role in the high desert ecosystem. The group points to research that shows pinyon jay numbers have declined by an estimated 80% over the last five decades, a rate even faster than the greater sage grouse.

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Georgia has many trees, but few old-growth forests. And advocates say they need to be protected

By Sam Bermas-Dawes
Georgia Public Broadcasting
April 26, 2022
Category: Forestry
Region: United States, US East

It is a couple days after the start of spring on a windy afternoon in Frazer Forest and Sarah Adloo is walking among the trees. The 39-acre forest in the Druid Hills neighborhood of Atlanta features native tree species. …Adloo is the co-executive director of the Old-Growth Forest Network, an organization working to preserve and expand areas of old-growth forests in a growing number of states across the country. Frazer Forest is one of more than a dozen pockets of green in the Atlanta metro area recognized as old-growth forest by OGFN. Adloo said the network of old growth in Atlanta makes it unique among U.S. urban centers.  “We’re known as the ‘city in the forest,’ and we do have pockets of high-quality old-growth forest throughout the city,” Adloo said. “But we also lose a lot of our forest coverage every day. 

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Global forestry leaders to discuss green future in Seoul

By Baek Byung-yeul
The Korea Times
April 27, 2022
Category: Forestry
Region: International

Choi Byeong-am

Choi Byeong-am, minister of the Korea Forest Service (KFS), said the 15th World Forestry Congress (WFC), which will take place in Seoul from May 2 to 6, will bring global forestry leaders together to share forest and environmental issues such as climate change and find ways to address them. “The World Forestry Congress, held every six years, is the largest and most significant gathering of members of the world’s forestry sector. The congress is a forum for exchanging views and experiences on all aspects of forestry and the environment, including climate change and biodiversity. The congress can help identify actions to solve pending issues,” Choi told The Korea Times in a written interview. For the forthcoming event, Choi said the KFS is making its best efforts to ensure that the WFC is carried out safely and without problems.

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Forest trees also take up nanoplastics

By Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research
April 26, 2022
Category: Forestry
Region: International

Plastic is a petroleum product that is extremely slow to decompose. …Nanoplastic particles pose a potential hazard to living organisms, as these can absorb the particles. …Led by Arthur Gessler from the WSL Ecosystem Ecology Group, a research team has now investigated the uptake of nanoplastics in three common species of forest tree, namely birch, spruce and sessile oak. …Researchers were able to detect 13C in the plant tissue after one to four days, mostly in those parts of the roots in direct contact with the water mixed with nanoplastics. However, small amounts of nanoplastics also accumulated in the upper parts of the roots and in the leaves. …Plants form the foundation of the food chain and so plastic could enter forest ecosystems through them. The team is now conducting further experiments to determine whether nanoplastics interfere with photosynthesis… banning single-use plastic packaging wherever feasible … can we solve the problem

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Community groups angered as Queensland government proposes logging in state forest

By Eden Gillespie
The Guardian
April 26, 2022
Category: Forestry
Region: International

Locals say a proposal to carry out logging in a state forest on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast will leave long-lasting scars on the area and are fearful of the effect it will have on threatened species.  The state government has proposed to log selected trees in a section of the Beerwah State Forest, known locally as Ferny Forest, before it ends native timber production in the “high value” conservation area in two years.  Sunshine Coast residents fear chopping down parts of the forest, in areas deemed core koala habitat, could have disastrous consequences.  “It’s home to koalas, which have been listed as endangered, as well as glossy black cockatoos and greater gliders,” said Wendy Merefield-Ward, a member of Save Ferny Forest. …Narelle McCarthy, a spokesperson of the Sunshine Coast environment council, said the group opposed any harvesting of the forest – which is one of the few remaining coastal rainforests in the region.

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Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy

Carbon Credits Are the New Canadian Gold Rush

By Jacquie McNish
The Wall Street Journal
April 27, 2022
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: Canada, United States

Startups that sell carbon credits are the next big thing to hit Canada’s stock markets. …Nearly a dozen startups are expected to list their shares on Canadian exchanges to finance carbon-credit purchases or invest in climate ventures that generate credits. These carbon credits are in high demand. They are supposed to reduce the amount of carbon in the atmosphere by funding things such as new technologies or forest preservation. …Some recently launched Canadian ventures are creating carbon credits by distributing cook stoves that reduce carbon emissions or by growing new forests, which store greenhouse gases. Others are acquiring carbon credits earned by preventing threatened deforestation. One new business is joining with a company that injects captured carbon emissions into fresh concrete. …The market for credits is now valued at several hundred million dollars, but people involved see it growing into the tens of billions of dollars. [to access the full story a WSJ subscription is required]

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Canfor Implementing Plan to Achieve Net-Zero Carbon Emissions by 2050

By Canfor Corporation
Cision Newswire
April 26, 2022
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: Canada, Canada West

VANCOUVER, BC – Building on our comprehensive sustainability strategy announced in October 2021, Canfor Corporation is announcing the implementation of a comprehensive plan to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. To achieve net-zero, Canfor has developed near term science-based targets that include reducing the carbon emissions from pulp and wood products operations, which are defined as Scope 1 and Scope 2, by 42% by 2030 compared to our base year of 2020. In addition, by 2024 we will measure and assess our global supply chain and woodlands emissions, which are defined as Scope 3, and set a science-based reduction target. “Building on our long history of sustainable forest management and producing carbon storing renewable products, we have a responsibility to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050 to help mitigate climate change for future generations,” said Don Kayne, President and CEO, Canfor. 

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Axe Drax protesters demonstrate against Drax Group giant in London

By Jacob Thorburn
The Daily Mail
April 27, 2022
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: International

LONDON, UK — A protestor wielding a modified fire extinguisher has scaled a Government building and doused it in orange paint as eco-zealots continue to wreak havoc on the capital. Axe Drax, a coalition of protest groups including Extinction Rebellion, has launched a series of protests in London, Liverpool, York, Leeds and Hull against energy giant Drax Group on the day of their annual general meeting. In London, a young male wearing a fluorescent hi-vis outfit scaled the entrance to the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy and hung banners reading ‘Stop Burning Trees’ and ‘Rise up for Reparations’. …A government spokesperson said: ‘People’s day-to-day lives should not be disrupted and any criminal activity will not be tolerated. ‘Sustainable biomass is considered a renewable, low carbon energy source and forms a key part of our plan to strengthen Britain’s energy security.’

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Health & Safety

‘Pretty’ social media trend blamed in mysterious deaths of Wisconsin pair, cops say

By Mariah Rush
Idaho Statesman
April 26, 2022
Category: Health & Safety
Region: United States

Officials are warning about the dangers of a “pretty” TikTok trend following an investigation into two mysterious deaths in Wisconsin. Deputies responded to a residential fire on April 6 in Marathon County. Officials initially treated the incident as a homicide because, after arriving, the homeowners were not immediately found and investigators suspected foul play. Tanya Rodriguez, 44, and James Carolfi, 52, were later found dead in the garage after the blaze had been extinguished, and investigators went to work to determine the cause of the fire. In the weeks since, officials have determined that the deadly electrocution and fire were caused by a trend that has garnered millions of views on TikTok — fractal wood burning, according to the sheriff’s office. …The technique uses high-voltage electricity to burn tree-like patterns and designs into wood that has been drenched in a chemical solution, the sheriff’s office said.

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Forest Fires

Southwest wildfire outlook grim as flames char New Mexico

By Susan Montoya Bryan
Associated Press in the Durango Herald
April 25, 2022
Category: Forest Fires
Region: United States, US West

ALBUQUERQUE – Bulldozers were busy Monday scraping through New Mexico’s high country as firefighters scouted more rugged terrain, looking for places where they could wield tools to dig lines that stop what has grown into the largest wildfire burning in the U.S.  Nearly a dozen new large fires were reported over the weekend across the nation – four in New Mexico, three in Colorado and one each in Florida, Nebraska, South Dakota and Texas. With more than 1,350 square miles burned so far this year, officials at the National Interagency Fire Center said the amount of land singed so far is outpacing the 10-year average by about 30%.  …In northern New Mexico, evacuations remained in place for several communities Monday and conditions were still too volatile for authorities to assess the damage caused Friday and Saturday as fierce winds pushed flames across tinder-dry mountainsides in multiple counties.

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