By the end of the year, we anticipate hearing a final decision on the proposed listing of whitebark pine as a threatened species in the U.S., release of the National Whitebark Pine Restoration Plan and publication of the first reference genome sequence for whitebark pine. Learn more at the upcoming 2022 Whitebark Pine Science and Management Conference. Enjoy a sneak peek of the conference programming in this special edition of the WPEF E-Newsletter. See you September 14–16 in Dillon, Montana! It is hosted by Emily Guiberson of the Bureau of Land Management’s Dillon Field Office with support from the Whitebark Pine Ecosystem Foundation and WPEF of Canada. The annual conference showcases the latest research and management activities for whitebark pine and other high-elevation white pines facing similar ecological threats and needs for conservation measures. The event is free and open to the public with a suggested donation only.