No deal between Nova Scotia government and Northern Pulp

By Aaron Beswick
The Saltwire Network
December 14, 2023
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

Nova Scotians won’t get an end to Northern Pulp’s legal saga for Christmas after all. A prediction by monitor Ernst and Young that mediation would result in either a deal or a resumption of legal proceedings by year’s end hasn’t come true. On Tuesday, the BC Supreme Court approved a request from the mill to extend its creditor protection. …The mediation is confidential and there are no hints in the documents filed as to what’s being considered. However, there are some details about what happens if a deal falls through. According to the monitor’s report, Northern Pulp would ask the BC Supreme Court to overrule a bill passed by the Nova Scotia legislature in April 2022. …For its part, the Nova Scotia would ask the Nova Scotia Supreme Court to throw out Northern Pulp’s lawsuit because of the legal indemnity the province granted itself in Bill 143. 

Additional coverage by Joan Baxter: Northern Pulp’s $450 million lawsuit against us

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