ON behalf of the Northwestern Ontario Municipal Association (NOMA), I would like to take this opportunity to respond to the Nov. 27 op-ed, Boreal Caribou: Scientists refute forestry claims, by Julee Boan. Ms. Boan takes offence to the information regarding Caribou Facts presented by the Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC) noting that further clarification was provided on their website. She goes on to comment that NOMA “didn’t get the memo” insinuating that our organization is choosing to promote inaccurate information from industry talking heads. As the forest industry is the backbone for the economy for many NOMA member communities, we get our data from the practitioners that actually work in the forest every day; professional foresters, industry workers and scientists. …Yes NOMA did get the memo. We are the faces of forestry. …We look at the whole picture and not just an ideological approach.