Ontario can’t compel Resolute/Repap to make a deal over the future of the Fort Frances pulp mill, despite the town’s insistence that the surrounding forests should be prioritized for their benefit. In other Business news: the building season is delayed due to weather (Madison’s); the USMCA is no sure thing (Globe and Mail); BC mills take in burned timber (Houston Today); Northern Pulp’s extension request gets community support (CBC News); and CanWel buys Lignum Forest Products from Conifex.
In Forestry/Climate news: Nova Scotia’s auditor general has species at risk concerns; BC’s caribou plan troubles one BC politician, as hearings gear up in Revelstoke and the Peace River; Oregon reaches compromise on cap and trade, New Zealand touts the case for using trees to offset CO2 emissions, and the future of biomass plants in Arizona and Maine.
Finally, mass timber’s is embraced by Idaho but uncertain in Chicago’s building code overhaul.
Kelly McCloskey, Tree Frog Editor