KITCHENER – The Ontario government is investing over $1 million in Distinctive Wood Products, a manufacturer of kitchen cabinets and accessories. This investment will increase production by 40 per cent, boost U.S. export sales by almost 300 per cent and create nine new jobs at the company – and up to nine additional jobs throughout the forest sector supply chain. “We are investing in businesses like Distinctive Wood Products to create jobs and strengthen our forest sector supply chain,” said Graydon Smith, Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry. …The total expansion project is valued at $4.4 million and will now add automated sanding equipment and a finishing system which hardens paint to prepare completed products for market. …Distinctive Wood Products will increase its purchases of Ontario-made medium density fibreboard by 55 per cent, increasing demand for harvesting companies, sawmills and trucking – adding $4.3 million to Ontario’s forest supply chain each year.