Ontario NDP leader presses for answers, accountability over shuttered Terrace Bay pulp mill

By Michelle Allan
CBC News
January 18, 2024
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

Marit Stiles

NDP leader Marit Stiles is calling for the Ontario government to do more to get the shuttered pulp mill in Terrace Bay to reopen. Stiles visited the community Wednesday to meet with local leaders and speak to media. Stressing the urgency of the situation, Stiles said the government needs to intervene, seek transparency from the company and explore solutions to protect jobs. …”It’s not about the market conditions; it’s about the necessary investments into maintenance,” said Thunder Bay—Superior North MPP Lise Vaugeois. “What we hear from insiders is that the mill is viable and the price of pulp is viable, but the maintenance has not been kept up.” …”Our government will continue to explore all options for reviving operations at the AVTB mill, and support the Terrace Bay community throughout this process,” said Melissa Candelaria, press secretary for the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. 

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