Opponents cautiously optimistic as clearcut in Kananaskis appears to be on hold

By Howard May
The Western Wheel
December 16, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

ALBERTA — In addition to the environmental and aesthetic opposition, and the mayors of now three communities writing letters to the provincial government asking for a moratorium on clearcutting in Kananaskis, a third group has added a new perspective in the fight to have Spray Lake Sawmills reconsider their plans this winter. …SLS maintains they broke no rules and were not required by any legislation to get pre-approvals. An investigation into SLS’s actions was launched by the DFO, but to date, they have not explained why they did so. (West Fraser Timber which now owns SLS).  …CPAWS reached out to West Fraser, inviting them to meet to discuss their concerns. …Communications director Joyce Wagenaar said…“We have begun to set up meetings with stakeholder groups to better understand perspectives, interests and issues pertaining to these important forest lands.”

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