The flow of Canadian lumber into the United States should be embraced and not feared by Americans, Canada has told the U.S. International Trade Commission. …The Canadian government is leading efforts to persuade the ITC to reverse January’s pro-US decision in the cross-border trade dispute. …For one year after the 2006 Canada-U.S. softwood-lumber agreement expired in October, 2015, a period of free trade existed. …Increased shipments from Canada coincided with rising lumber prices in the United States as US producers became stronger and not weaker during the 12 months of free trade, the Canadian government’s filing said. “During this period of free trade, increasing import volumes coincided with increasing prices and strong domestic industry performance” in the U.S. lumber market, the filing said. “That phenomenon is consistent with the fact that the Canadian and U.S. products are largely complementary rather than directly competitive.”