Paper Excellence extends Catalyst Paper curtailment, Westrock to close its Tacoma paper mill

The Tree Frog Forestry News
August 2, 2023
Category: Today's Takeaway

Paper Excellence extended its Crofton, BC paper mill curtailment to the end of August. In related news: WestRock plans to permanently close its Tacoma, Washington paper mill; Clearwater Paper reports positive Q2 results; and Russia seeks investors for its pulp and paper sector. In other Business news: Forbes says the likelihood of a US recession is down to 15%; Construct Connect says housing starts defy economic orthodoxy; and Louisiana Pacific reports lower Q2 earnings.

In other news: the US Agriculture Secretary touts US forestry/climate efforts; BC First Nations celebrate progress on the Great Bear Rainforest; BC researchers develop a national air quality map; Alaska faces a spruce beetle outbreak; an Oregon wildfire shows the limits of carbon offsets; and climate change is increasing the risk of ticks and Lyme disease.

Finally, BC Forestry legend Gerry Burch celebrates 100th Bday. And you’re invited!

Kelly McCloskey, Tree Frog Editor

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