Paper or plastic? Or neither? LCBO decision to trash paper bags could signal shift in single-use debate

By Erik White
CBC News
September 12, 2023
Category: Wood, Paper & Green Building
Region: Canada, Canada East

ONTARIO — The move to replace single-use plastics with paper products has gotten hopes up in northern Ontario’s forest industry, especially the region’s sagging pulp and paper mills. But the LCBO’s decision last week to stop handing out paper bags is a sign that in the end, re-usable may trump recyclable. …Calvin Lakhan, a researcher at York University said, “The truth is any time you use single-use anything it’s not good for the environment.” Lakhan says it’s a “misnomer” that paper is more environmentally-friendly than plastic. …Martin Fairbank— a forest industry consultant, says it “sounds a little odd” to hear of the LCBO moving away from paper products. He says the forest industry around the world is focused on making new products out of paper, including tape, bubble envelopes and food packaging. “I think this trend of paper replacing plastic products will continue to grow,” said Fairbank. 

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