Pass Creek logger wants better forestry

By Anna Dulisse
The Castlegar Source
July 3, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

Quintin Sperling

As a logger and third-generation caretaker for his acreage near Castlegar, Quintin Sperling spent his life in the forests. “I’m a certified faller and in B.C. I’ve done practically everything related to timber harvesting, logging, road building, firefighting, and silviculture work,” Quintin says. …But recently, Quintin decided to stop working in the woods. It’s a profession he no longer feels proud to be a part of. …Quintin has documented the violations he’s seen in the forests near him and submitted evidence to local compliance officers. However, the timber license holders are allowed to continue their work with no repercussions that he’s aware of. …Quintin hopes a better way is possible. “I think if the government had the courage to rewrite and pass new legislation… saying ‘if you’re not operating ethically and sustainably, we will pull your timber license, you get no compensation for it, you have no legal recourse.’”

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