Poland orders to halt logging in 10 oldest forest areas

By Marek Strzelecki
January 8, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: International

WARSAW – The Polish government ordered a state-run company that manages more than 7 million hectares of the country’s forests to curtail logging in 10 most cherished forest areas, delivering on a campaign promise following elections last October. “We have decided to stop logging in the most valuable forest areas. It’s time to get saws out of the Polish forests,” Climate Minister Paulina Hennig-Kloska told a news briefing on Monday. Hennig-Kloska said the ministry’s decision, to be in place for six months, is a first step before a systemic solution that will further limit logging in such woodlands. According to public opinion polls, 75% of Poles believe that logging should be reduced. Prime Minister Donald Tusk has repeatedly said his government would boost protection of woodlands. Last month, more than 100 environmental groups called for a moratorium on logging in the oldest and most precious forests.

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