Jasper, Alberta is the latest community to experience catastrophic wildfire. …Climate change is not going to go away. Wildfires will only increase in quantity and severity in the future. It is folly for governments to continue to manage forests as they have over the last century. That management has contributed to catastrophic fire becoming normal. …B.C.’s Forest Practices Board recommends “landscape forest management,” to provide protection against aggressive wildfire. Tools available include prescribed burns, removal or chipping of dead wood, thinning of forests and restoration of heterogeneous landscapes and varied tree species. As climate change ramps up, Alberta and B.C. are particularly vulnerable to wildfire, but the other provinces and territories are at risk as well. The recent Jasper fire will not be the last catastrophic wildfire in Alberta or B.C. Rather, without extensive reform, Jasper is the first of many catastrophic wildfires that will befall Canada’s west in 2024 and beyond.