Port Hawkesbury Paper Wind’s community liaison committee gets underway

By Brett McKay
Guysborough Journal in Yahoo News
January 3, 2024
Category: Business & Politics

GUYSBOROUGH, Nova Scotia — According to Port Hawkesbury Paper Wind (PHPWind), the nine-member community liaison committee – composed of community and company representatives – is off to a good start. During its inaugural meeting at the Lincolnville Community Centre on Nov. 30, the company outlined the progress of its 31-turbine Goose Harbour Lake Wind Farm – located on Crown land adjacent the communities of Linconville and Upper Big Tracadie – scheduled for construction later this year. “We provided an overview of the work completed to date, including various studies such as site suitability, species at risk and many other environmental aspects,” it noted in the Municipality of the District of Guysborough newsletter. “We also discussed various questions covering technical, environmental, and social issues and reviewed the project timeline”. …The project is scheduled to break ground in a few weeks. “The road building and turbine foundation will be mid-2024 and then first substation will be in late 2024.”

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