A potential strike at CP Rail adds to industry’s rail capacity woes; while the closure of the Huron Central Railway would be particularly traumatic for EACOM. In other Business news: industry leaders in Ontario want a better natural resources strategy; and the Lesprom Network reveals who’s up (Russia) and who’s down (Canada) when it comes to softwood lumber shipments to China.
In Forestry news; the Ancient Forest Alliance is working hard to generate news coverage about old growth logging on Vancouver Island; the Montreal Economic Institute raises cost concerns of protecting the caribou; the U of New Hampshire says reduced harvesting in Maine can increase carbon uptake; a Vancouver lumberjack wins a world title in France and new research finds tall Amazon forests are three-times less sensitive to drought than short forests.
Finally, Chinese researchers make supercapacitors—touted as the future of batteries—from wood.
–Kelly McCloskey, Tree Frog Editor