Pre-Christmas Economic Data Likely to be More Scrooge than Santa Claus

By Tim Smart
US News
December 19, 2022
Category: Finance & Economics
Region: United States

As the clock winds down to the holidays and the year’s end, investors and economists alike will have plenty to pore over this week when it comes to the state of the housing sector, the overall strength of the economy and the present trajectory of inflation. Monday brings the first reading of the week on housing, with the NAHBs sentiment survey for December… and there is no reason to think the last one of 2022 will show any improvement. …The government will release its final estimate for third-quarter gross domestic product. Analysts believe it will be unchanged, at 2.9% annual growth… with most economists predicting a recession in 2023. …The week ends with the personal consumption expenditures price index, a measure of inflation. …The economy will end 2022 with most expecting worsening conditions headed into 2023.

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