Progressing the Conversation on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Mosaic Forest Management
December 13, 2023
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada West

Companies survive and thrive on the strength of their team—the people who make up their workforce, contributing day after day to get the job done. Mosaic Forest Management knows the value of its 220 team members, more than 2,000 contractors, and what they each bring to the company. Because of our people, Mosaic is committed to everyone feeling they belong, guided by our strategic goals on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I). The company’s goals to advance DE&I are: Foster a safe and welcoming work environment; Integrate, measure, and hold to account; and Be a community champion. For Area Forester Chesley Toth, the way to uphold DE&I is clear.“Championing DE&I is about promoting inclusive policies and practices that challenge gender stereotypes, work-life balance, and foster environments that embrace and celebrate diversity,” Chelsey said.

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