Protesters gather outside of Enviva HQ to push back against pollution
May 17, 2023
Category: Business & Politics
Region: United States, US East

RALEIGH, North Carolina — Dozens gathered to protest outside of the Enviva headquarters in Raleigh today, demanding change from the world’s largest wood pellet production company. The company has four plants across the state in Northhampton, Hertford, Sampson, and Richmond counties. …The protesters delivered a petition to the Enviva office asking the company to mitigate dust and noise, stop sourcing from North Carolina forests, and halt overnight production. The Impacted Communities Against Wood Pellet Coalition organized the protest and says the company has been ignoring the concerns of impacted communities while receiving millions of dollars in subsidies and tax breaks from the state. “We have taken our message to Governor Cooper, to Department of Environmental Quality and nothing is being done to stop the pollution,” said Emily Zucchino with Dogwood Alliance.

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