What if every Georgia corporation asked for the same freebies the Jesup pulp mill operator, Rayonier Advanced Materials, gets from the state of Georgia? …It just simply wouldn’t be sustainable. Historically, pulp mills are needy polluters. Continuous largesse from the state flows to the Jesup mill. Pollution in the 1950s and ’60s resulted in fish kills. Today, fish are alive in the downstream chemical soup, but inedible. …Mill wastewater could be less damaging. Modern pulp mills around the world exhibit clear wastewater due to utilization of commonly-used technology — Activated Sludge Treatment (AST). Why isn’t AST being applied at the Jesup mill? In a few words: corporate management laziness. …Instead, Rayonier AM squanders substantial sums on legal fees fighting to maintain a faulty wastewater permit issued by the Georgia Environmental Protection Division, in violation of the Clean Water Act.