Believe it or not, it might be hard to find a Christmas tree eight years from now because of a tree seedling shortage and closure of tree nurseries across the West. In California, the Forest Service says an additional 27 million trees have died due to droughts and beetles over the past two years, bringing the statewide total to 129 million on 8.9 million acres.
In other news: North Carolina’s wood pellet industry offers 80% lifecycle reduction in greenhouse gas emissions compared to coal; Skeena Sawmills have earned SFI certification; European researchers say cascading wood use more than doubles the efficiency of wood utilization; and wood construction fire safety is amped up in Massachusetts with security cameras and guards.
Finally, didn’t make it to the 2017 Global Buyer’s Mission at Whistler BC? Here’s a video of those that did.
— Kelly McCloskey, Tree Frog Editor