Should the Forestry Corporation pay council rates?

The Northern Star
December 11, 2017
Category: Forestry
Region: International

KYOGLE Council looks set to join the fight to make state-owned forestry plantations pay rates, providing the council with much-needed revenue for bridge and road repairs. At tonight’s Kyogle Council meeting, a mayoral minute will be debated on the issue. It calls for a Kyogle councillor to be appointed to the Local Government of NSW Working Party for Unrateable Forestry Plantation Land and Forestry Road Infrastructure Contributions in Local Government. …It also wants the government to “introduce a system for transport infrastructure contributions by forestry corporations to address the ongoing infrastructure maintenance, upgrade and renewal needs of council roads”. …”The Forestry Corporation of NSW, a state owned corporation, manages over 2000 square kilometres of pine plantation in NSW, but does not pay any rates on these land holdings.

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