Sierra Nevada Conservancy adopts new 5-year Strategic Plan, supports 4 forest-resilience projects

By Sierra Nevada Conservancy
Government of California
June 6, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: United States, US West

The Sierra Nevada Conservancy (SNC) Governing Board has approved a new 2024–2029 Strategic Plan. It will guide the development of programs, policies, and actions it takes to fulfill its mission of improving the environmental, economic, and social well-being of California’s Sierra-Cascade Region. “Climate change, megafires, and Covid have created profound changes in the Sierra-Cascade region since our last Strategic Plan was created 2019, and this plan reflects the ways that we are adapting, and staying the course, to serve this vital and dynamic region,” said Angela Avery, Executive office of the SNC. The Sierra Nevada Conservancy (SNC) Governing Board awarded a little more than $6 million to four different projects to help with the planning and implementation of forest-health efforts. All four projects will promote recovery and resilience to disturbances, such as wildfire, in the Sierra-Cascade.

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